Thursday, February 14, 2013

Living arrangements

One year

A small town on the outskirts of London is shaken up when 'at risk' teens are brought in to be involved in a mentor program for one whole year.


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The living arrangements are fairly straightforward. The Problem Children are going to be living with their mentors.
Mentors one and three were already living together, as were mentors 2 & 4. The founder placed Mentor five with his daughters.

House 1 (mentor 1 & 3)



House 2 (mentor 2 & 4)



House 3 (The sisters and mentor 5)




Mentor one:

Mentor three:

Problem child one:

Problem child three:

Mentor two:

Mentor four:

Problem child two:

Problem child four:

Chloe's room:

Delilah's room:

Mentor five:

Problem child 5:

Harmony's room:

If anyone wants me to change anything, please don't be afraid to let me know! You can feel free to send in a different room, aswell.

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