How to Train Your Facebook News?Feed

By JD Rucker
The one thing that Face?book does excep?tion?ally well from a tech?nol?ogy per?spec?tive is oper?at?ing and mod?i?fy?ing their news feed algo?rithm. Learn how to take advan?tage of it to dis?play exactly what (and who) you want to appear on your news?feed.
The news feed algo?rithm is a tech?no?log?i?cal work of art in many ways. One of the best parts about it is that you can train yours to present you with the right con?tent from the right peo?ple. Here?s how:
??Check Your Friends (and par?tic?u?larly the order they?re in)
When you got to your list of friends on Face?book which you can find at ?, you should see the most famil?iar faces right at the top. While it?s not an exact list?ing in per?fect order, it?s a loose inter?pre?ta?tion of how Face?book feels you rank your friends in order of impor?tance. The order of the list changes often based upon who is post?ing lately, whose posts you?ve liked lately, and any?thing that you?ve shared or com?mented on.
??Clas?si?fy?ing Your Friends
This is the easy part. Face?book makes it very sim?ple to clas?sify the peo?ple in your life into var?i?ous groups.
Sim?ply hover over their name. Their pro?file infor?ma?tion will pop up. Then, hover over the ?Friends? but?ton and your lists pop up. Face?book gives spe?cial treat?ment to ?Close Friends? and ?Fam?ily?, so the impor?tant peo?ple in your life should be clas?si?fied as?such.
You can take it a step fur?ther and add them to other lists. You should do this with all of your friends when?ever pos?si?ble, par?tic?u?larly if you use Face?book a lot and for dif?fer?ent rea?sons such as work, pol?i?tics,?etc.
??Like Sculpt?ing
Select the friends and fam?ily mem?bers who you really like a lot. It?s not nec?es?sar?ily a com?par?i?son to real life; if Uncle Dweezil is your favorite but he posts inces?sant pic?tures of his dogs and mar?i?juana plants that you don?t want to see all the time, don?t include him.
Once you have your win?ners, open their pro?files and start lik?ing away. Stay true ? don?t just ran?domly click on every?thing they post just for the sake of sculpt?ing. If they?re post?ing enough and they?re truly peo?ple you want to fol?low, you should be able to find things that they posted that match your inter?ests. If you don?t, per?haps it?s time to recon?sider the friendship.
Remem?ber, it?s not just a mat?ter of vol?ume. Per?cent?age of posts liked plays a major role, so if you have a loosely active friend who you want to see in your news feed, you can like sev?eral of their things and they should always appear on top when they posts. In other words, those who aren?t Facebook-addicts can still get pref?er?en?tial treat?ment in your news?feed.
??Lastly, do the same thing with Pages.
The posts on the pages you?ve liked in the past will never appear in your feed if you don?t like some of what they post. This is a good time to go through all of the pages you?ve liked and unlike the ones that you don?t really fol?low any?more. The ones that you do want to fol?low ? like away! Some of the best con?tent on Face?book comes from active pages.
JD Rucker is Direc?tor of New Media of?TK Car?sites and can be reached via the con?tact page.
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