7 hrs.

Having GPS on your phone is useful for getting around, but if you're traveling by bus or subway, existing apps may not be quite up to snuff. A new app from Nokia called Transit provides stop-by-stop directions on transit in more than 100 cities (check if yours is included here).
Transit (known as?Transport elsewhere, or?Bus & Bahn in Germany) lets you put in a location and immediately get back a number of routes, presented as timelines of walking, waiting and riding. Pick one and it gives you turn-by-turn directions to each stop and then?to your destination.
The user interface is attractive and looks functional, and you can pin destinations to the main menu for quick access when you need to hop on a bus and aren't quite sure which one to take. Nokia is?working on expanding coverage to several hundred more cities throughout the world.
The app has been in beta for a couple months and is just now getting its official debut. Humorously, the hip protagonist of the video has a Mac, not a Windows PC.
Another app was recently released by Spanish researchers aimed at making it easier for blind and otherwise disabled riders to take transit. Nokia's app doesn't include audio directions like that one, but should still make riding the bus a little easier for Windows Phone users. Transit should be available in the Windows Phone Marketplace now or in the next few days depending on your location.
Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for msnbc.com. His personal website is?coldewey.cc.
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