Okay, well, I'm currently engaged in a relationship with a girl I've been with for eight months. She means a hell of a lot to me and the last school year, despite the mentally exerting workloads that accompany my college course, have been really blissful. Largely thanks to her.
However, it's not all rainbows and dancing children. I'm black and my girlfriend is white. Yes, I know, it's 2012 not 1912, but even with the fact that modern liberalism and multiculturalism for the most part, is very accepting of interracial relationships, I still find myself in a bit of a problem with my girlfriend's parents. Although I'm yet to meet them and in fact, they're not even aware that I even exist, my girlfriend was quite straight with me from the beginning: Her parents are racist and they definitely wouldn't approve of our association.
I actually have experience with a similar situation: My college buddy is Latino and his girlfriend is Asian, and in the beginning, the girlfriend's parents were quite reserved and quietly discontent with the relationship. Not because they were racist, but because they were concerned about the possible culture clashes and the concept of an interracial relationship in their family was quite an alien occurrence. However, they quickly got to know the really good person my friend is and now the girlfriend's dad treats the guy as though he were a son.
I'm afraid that such a happy conclusion for me and my girlfriend is highly unlikely. For my girlfriend's parents, it's a lot more than about possible culture clashes. Apparently my her dad frequents the infamous white supremacist "Stormfront" site and I've been told of a few distasteful things her parents have to say about other races, blacks in particular. When she was in high school, her father attempted to "indoctrinate" her with his views, but as you can see with her association with me, he was pretty unsuccessful.
With college over and the summer here, reality has kind of hit me in a sense. The fact that my girlfriend's parents were bigots never really bothered me until recently, as we both live on campus and we were far removed from her parents. However with both I and my girlfriend going back home and with us wanting to spend large chunks of the summer break with one another, the presence of her parents' views have become much more significant.
I read a few stories about a couple that had been in similar positions, and one story that particularly alarmed me was a couple whose love was unable to withstand the torrents of racial contempt emanating from both the man and woman's family. I'm in a better position in a sense, as my family is ultra-liberal and they've already met my girlfriend. They love her.
My girlfriend has been seriously pondering telling her parents about me. She's pretty tired of having to lie when she's on the phone to me or when her mother tries to set her up with one of her friends' son. We talked tentatively about it and I told her it's her choice - I'll support her whatever she decides. Obviously, whatever the reaction from her parents, it'll be a significant event in our relationship.
I'd really appreciate people's input on the situation. Maybe you've been in the same boat yourself or maybe you just want to chip in. Whatever you have to say, it'll be greatly appreciated. I hope you all have a good night.
God Bless.
corso james arthur ray james arthur ray elisabeth shue avastin avastin robert wagner
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